Black To School is a newsletter that shares Black history as we’ve never heard it before.
The “Why?” that powers our mission is simple. “Our ancestors invented the table that the world now sits at. It’s time to not just claim our seat, but to set the agenda.” Please click on this link and learn more about the backstory behind Black To School.
Black history doesn’t begin at slavery, and it doesn’t end with the Civil Rights Movement.
Where we begin, and what we focus on, when telling the story of lives and contributions of Africans & the African diaspora matters. It shapes the perceptions we have of ourselves, and it influences the beliefs and behaviors of entire generations.
Take Greek history for example: We never start at the point where Romans conquered and enslaved the Greeks and ruled over them for nearly 500 years. You know why? If we did, we’d lose the rich, complex, and critical perspective in those 7,000 years that came before, including the Olympic Games, the birth of modern city-states, and the philosophy of Aristotle and Socrates. These are critical contributions that continue to shape our world to this day.
Black To School explores the contributions of Africans and the African Diaspora from ancient times through present day.
With it, we’re all in a better position to understand, celebrate, and share the stories of our ancestors, and of our community, in a way that shifts our own understanding (and the understanding of others) of our past, present, and future contributions to society. As a dedicated group of Black researchers, professionals, creatives, educators, and entrepreneurs, we’re excited to share these lessons and resources with you!
Brought to you in collaboration with the Black To School Collective, HiddenPages,, and Robin Walker.
Interested in getting involved?
This is a collaborative project, and we’re always looking for contributors! If you have a passion for research, writing, editing, or illustrating, please reach out to us at